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5:18 PM

iPhone 6 Plus Review

Posted by hassoune

Apple’s latest iPhones are its fastest-selling smartphones to date — and there’s a great reason for that. They’re not only substantially bigger than all of their predecessors; they’re also better in almost every way. After using an iPhone 6 Plus for the past six months, I still think it’s one of the best smartphones money can buy.

But just like any other smartphone, the 6 Plus isn’t without its flaws. In this review, I’ll describe how I’ve lived with those, and why the 6 Plus continues to be the smartphone I carry most of the time.

While Steve Jobs may have hated the idea of super-sized smartphones, Apple had no choice but to make the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus much bigger. Users were fast switching to larger Android devices, and this was the only way to break that trend. And we’re glad it finally did.

There’s no denying the 6 Plus takes some getting used to — especially if you’re upgrading from an older iPhone. I was using an HTC One M8 with a 5-inch screen before I got mine, and yet it still felt huge when I first pulled it out of its box and slipped it into my pocket.

It only takes a couple of days to adjust to its size, however, and you soon start to appreciate that 5.5-inch Retina HD display. But as gorgeous as the 6 Plus is, the vast majority will want to keep theirs in a sturdy case most of the time.

This is an incredibly slippy phone, thanks to its slim and sleek aluminum form factor — and that makes it incredibly easy to drop — especially at 172 grams, which is almost 50 grams heavier than the iPhone 6, and exactly 60 grams heavier than the iPhone 5s.

I dropped my 6 Plus after two days of using it. I was pulling it out of my pocket to answer a call and it slipped right out of my fingers onto the floor. Fortunately, I was in a carpeted room and there was no damage, but I’ve been using a case almost every day ever since.

The case also eliminates one of my biggest complaints about the 6 Plus — and the iPhone 6, for that matter — which is its protruding camera. I understand why it had to stick out, and that a thinner camera module wouldn’t have been as good. But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

I’m also not keen on its big bezels.

Rival smartphone makers like LG have managed to make 5.5-inch smartphones that are much more compact than the 6 Plus by reducing the bezels around the display as much as possible. The 6 Plus is bigger than the G3 in almost every way (except thickness), and only slightly narrower than the Galaxy Note 4, which has a larger 5.7-inch display.


I have no complaints about the rest of the 6 Plus’s design, though. Even with the gorgeous Galaxy S6 on the way, I still think the 6 Plus is the prettiest smartphone on the market right now — for lots of reasons.

At just 7.1mm, it’s crazy thin. It has beautifully rounded edges that wrap around to seamlessly meet its rounded display as if the two were all one piece. And if you do use it without a case, it’ll nestle comfortably in your palm like the old iPhone 3G or iPhone 3GS.

For a while many of us expected the iPhone 6 to look exactly like the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s, but with a larger display — and that’s exactly what I hoped it would be. After all, they were incredibly attractive devices.

But I don’t think their sharp edges would have suited a device as big as the 6 Plus.

The Retina HD display on the 6 Plus is the biggest and sharpest smartphone display Apple has made to date, and it’s absolutely stunning. Of course, it doesn’t have as many pixels as the Quad HD displays we’re seeing on other devices these days, but that doesn’t matter.

The 6 Plus has the best 1080p smartphone display I’ve ever used, and over past few years, I’ve used a lot, having owned devices from HTC, LG, Samsung, Motorola, and OnePlus. It’s incredibly bright and vibrant, and it has excellent color accuracy, which makes everything from playing games to watching movies a real treat.


Because that Retina HD display is laminated, it is impressively thin. When you put your finger against the glass, it almost feels like you’re touching the actual LCD panel — like there’s nothing between you and the pixels. Bright icons almost look like they’re popping out of the screen.

This also means the 6 Plus is great outdoors; you can snap photos and videos, read text messages and emails, and more under the sun and you’ll have no problem seeing any of it.

Don’t listen to those who criticize Apple for not giving the 6 Plus a Quad HD display, then, because it doesn’t need one. It’s perfectly good without one.

When I first began using the 6 Plus, it replaced my iPad almost entirely. I found its 5.5-inch display to be ideal for reading, playing games, browsing the web, and even catching up on my favorite TV shows. Six months on, that hasn’t changed much.

I still use my 6 Plus for tasks I used to use an iPad for. If I’m sat watching TV and I want to browse the web or check Twitter, the screen in my pocket is now big enough for those tasks, whereas the 4-inch iPhone 5s was just too small, and I ended up reaching for my iPad instead.

One of the great things about the 6 Plus’s display is that developers are taking advantage of its size with optimized landscape views. In Apple’s own Mail and Messages apps, for instance, you get to see your inbox while you’re reading a message.

Little things like this make the 6 Plus even better for being productive when you’re on the go.


There is one, albeit minor, downside to the 6 Plus’s display, however: even after six months on the market, there are still lots of iOS apps that aren’t yet optimized for it, which means they’re blown up and look strangely out of proportion.

Most iOS developers have been working to fix this, and you’ll find all of the big names are on top of it. But it is still a problem with a number of apps.


The specifications packed into the 6 Plus make it more than just a phone. It’s powered by Apple’s new A8 processor — its second chip built on desktop-class 64-bit architecture — and no matter what you throw at it, it’ll take it all in its stride.

Not only is general performance incredibly smooth, but the 6 Plus loads apps in a snap.

Take the camera, for example — which is one of the things you need to be fast; it’s ready to take a picture within 2 seconds of tapping its icon, which means you can grab your shot — or several of them using burst mode — before you miss the action.

The 6 Plus also plays the latest high-end games and streams HD video without so much as a stutter, and apps that are now optimized for its A8 chip tend to be noticeably snappier on the 6 Plus than they are on the iPhone 5s. Premium games also look better.


The 6 Plus also boots up several seconds faster than its predecessors, and loads apps and games slightly quicker. However, the difference in performance isn’t that significant unless you play a lot of high-end games.

Common apps like Twitter, Facebook, Messages, and even Camera usually load just as fast on the iPhone 5s as they do on the 6 Plus. With that said, if you’re only interested in performance, and the bigger screens and better cameras aren’t important, you probably don’t need to upgrade yet.

In comparison with the Galaxy Note 4, the 6 Plus tends to be smoother and snappier overall, which I blame on Samsung’s TouchWiz user interface, which is notoriously sluggish.

Once the Note 4 has booted apps and games, it has no problems running them on its quad-core Snapdragon 805 processor. But initial loading times for things like games and the camera app are slower than the 6 Plus, as is switching between apps and even getting around the OS.

I’ve also found connectivity and networking to be excellent on the 6 Plus. I can’t remember the last time I had a dropped call, and my 6 Plus is capable of reaching roughly the same Wi-Fi speeds — if not greater — than my Mac and a Galaxy Note 4 on my home network.

You may run into some issues when multitasking, however. While the 6 Plus can switch apps quickly, you may notice that they often need to be reloaded before you can use them. A similar thing happens when you switch between multiple tabs in Safari or Chrome.

That’s not the processor’s fault; that’s because the 6 Plus — just like the iPhone 5 and the iPhone 5s — has just 1GB of RAM.

iOS has long been great at managing just 1GB of RAM, and for years, it hasn’t been too much of a problem. But with iOS software advancing all the time, it is now noticeable — at least for heavy users.

Apple did provide 2GB of RAM with the iPad Air 2, however, so perhaps the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus will get a RAM upgrade later this year.
Battery Life

For me, battery life is the biggest reason to choose a 6 Plus over the regular iPhone 6 — and any other smartphone, for that matter. It really is outstanding.


When the new iPhones launched last September, I pre-ordered both. I couldn’t decide which one I wanted, so I thought I’d try them for a week each and return the one I didn’t want. More than anything else, it was battery life that made me decide the 6 Plus was my favorite.

My 6 Plus never dies on me before the end of the day — no matter how much I use it. That’s not an exaggeration. Even if I’m addicted to a game and play it a lot, or watch a lot of Netflix or YouTube, I can get at least a day’s use out of it.

If I don’t use it heavily, I’ll get more than a day. In fact, I often charge my 6 Plus every other night, rather than every night like previous iPhones — or the many Androids I’ve used.

When it’s in standby, the 6 Plus uses hardly any power. I tend to have Do Not Disturb turn on automatically from 12 a.m. to 6 a.m., so I don’t get any notifications through the night, but it rarely uses my than 1 or 2 percent battery while I’m sleeping.


Apple has long been producing terrific smartphone cameras, and it only gets better with the 6 Plus. The Cupertino company decided to stick with an 8-megapixel sensor again this year, but it has made improvements to it again that make it one of the best smartphone cameras on the market.

I’ve used — for at least two weeks — almost every flagship device released in 2014 (with the exception of those running Windows Phone), including the HTC One M8, the Galaxy S5 and Note 4, the Motorola Moto X, the OnePlus One, and the LG G3. Not one of them takes pictures as good as the 6 Plus.

Photos taken on the iPhone are incredibly clear and crisp, and they boast beautiful colors without being over-saturated. 1080p video looks just as good, and it’s smoother than ever thanks to optical image stabilization.

I’ve included some sample shots taken on the 6 Plus in the gallery below, which show what it’s capable of in different situations. Bear in mind that none of these have been edited, but they have been resized.

It’s not just the photos themselves that are great; it’s the software, too. I can snap a photo on my iPhone in a few seconds, and thanks to its fast shutter speed, I can capture moving objects with good results. Other phones don’t allow me to do that.

iOS 8’s Extensions means that editing photos is also much-improved, with the ability to apply effects from third-party apps right inside the built-in Photos app. Here’s a few more samples that have been edited.

The camera is one of the things I miss most about my iPhone when I switch over to Android. I love Android itself, but I take a lot of pictures with my phone, and they never look as good when I’m not using an iPhone.
Touch ID

The other thing I miss when I switch is Touch ID. It makes securing your iPhone so much easier, and with the 6 Plus, it’s more reliable than ever. When Touch ID made its debut last year, I had to reset my fingerprint every few months because it would stop recognizing it.

But with my 6 Plus, I’m still using the same one I set up back in September. There’s no good reason not to use Touch ID now — especially now that is supports third-party apps, too.

It’s impossible to talk about the 6 Plus these days without mentioning “bendgate” — it’s the first thing non-iPhone users ask about when they notice you’re using a 6 Plus. But I haven’t had any bending issues with my device in six months.

While I do keep it in a case most of the time, there have been plenty of days when I’ve used it without one — and kept the device in the front pocket of my jeans. And yet, it’s still as flat today as it was when I bought it. So long as you don’t sit on it, you will be fine.


I’ve also read reports about iPhone 6 and 6 Plus displays scratching easily, and again, I’ve not experience this problem at all.

I’ve never used a screen protector on my 6 Plus — or my iPhone 5 and 5s, either, in fact — and I don’t have a single scratch on the glass. Apple uses super strong Gorilla Glass, so unless you intend to scratch it, you shouldn’t have any issues.

Of course, if you’re worried, you can always apply a screen protector, which can be picked up on eBay these days for less than a dollar.

Even with hi-tech new models such as iPhone 6, many users still struggle to get more than a day’s battery life when using apps such as navigation and video.

But there are a few tricks which can help extend any smartphone’s battery – and even tiny details, such as choosing a dark screensaver, not a bright one, can help.

1) Don’t leave your phone in bright sunlight

Lithium-ion phone batteries work best at slightly below room temperature, according to Mobile Choice Magazine – you’ll get less out of your phone if it’s warm.

2) Turn down the brightness

Turn the brightness settings down on your phone. Most of your phone’s battery drain is from running the screen.

3) Don’t leave the screen burning unnecessarily

Leaving the screen on isn’t just bad for your battery – it’s an open invitation for thieves to get past your password. On any phone, set the screen to turn off after 30 seconds.

4) Don’t use vibrate

Using vibration instead of ring tones actually consumes more power – making the entire phone vibrate is harder than making a tiny speaker vibrate. Where possible, switch your phone to silent instead.

5) Choose the right screensaver

Don’t use animated screensavers. It even makes a difference to switch to a black, or dark, screen background so it doesn’t burn as much electricity when you’re in the menus.

6) Kill off apps which are keeping your phone awake

Make sure your phone isn’t running apps in the background. On iPhone, you can check by double-tapping the Home button, then pressing ‘X’ to shut ones you don’t need. If you’re unsure, restart your phone to banish apps that might be running without you knowing.

7) Turn down your ringtone and indicator noises

It might seem like a tiny detail, but turning down noisy ringtones can prevent unnecessary battery drain – as can getting rid of the little clicks and bleeps many phones make as you type.

8) Switch off Bluetooth, GPS and Wi-Fi

Turning off Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and GPS will immediately add about a third to your battery life – you’re basically getting rid of several radio aerials which are burning away inside your phone.

On both iPhone and Android, controls to do this are easily accessed via phone menu.

9) Turn off voice control

 Never use Apple’s Siri voice control, it’s murder on your battery, likewise Samsung’s S Voice.

10) If you need to, switch off 3G and 4G

If you’re running low, switch off 3G. This can double the battery life of a dying phone – basically, there are at least two aerials working all the time in most phones, so if you switch to 2G, it’ll still work as a phone and for texts, but will last twice as long, just like phones did in ‘the good old days’.

10:20 AM

IP-BOX the Best Solution to unlock any iPhone

Posted by hassoune

It doesn't matter whether you added your fingerprint to your iPhone — it's still trivially easy for anyone to get past the login screen and access your emails and photos.

The International Business Times reports that for just 179$, anyone on the internet can buy specialist hardware that lets them hack into even the newest iPhones.

Here's how it works:

The main device used is called an IP-BOX. It works by "bruteforcing" iPhone passcodes, repeatedly guessing the password until it finds the right one.

iPhones are designed to defend against bruteforce attacks. Its software automatically limits the number of guesses you have, and it's also possible to change the phone's settings to delete its contents after 10 failed guesses of its password. But the IP-BOX can break through all of that protection. It doesn't matter if you use iPhone's Touch ID fingerprint security — because even if you have Touch ID on, your phone can still be unlocked with your passcode alone.

The IP-BOX gets around software limitations by connecting directly to the phone's hardware.

There's one lead that goes from the IP-BOX and into the iPhone's internal workings. It connects directly to the battery, and cuts the power when it detects that a wrong password was entered. That means that it can quickly shut off the phone before the phone realises that someone is trying to hack into it.

The IP-BOX is then free to start guessing passwords. It knows whether passwords are right or wrong because it comes with a light sensor that attaches to the screen of the iPhone. That sensor monitors the levels of light coming out of the phone screen, and detects changes. If it notices a change, that means the screen has been unlocked, and the password was correct.

It's easy to buy an IP-BOX. Websites sell them online for less than 179$. There aren't any checks on who the buyer is, either. It doesn't matter whether you're a hacker intending to blackmail someone with their photos, or a legitimate smartphone repair shop owner, anyone can buy an IP-BOX.

In fact, you can pick one up on eBay.

When an IP-BOX is connected to an iPhone, it tries every passcode, from 0000 through to 9999. That could take over 100 hours, but it's a surefire way of getting into the phone.

But there are limits to how much an IP box can actually do. First of all, if your phone is protected by a passcode longer than four numbers then it can't bruteforce the code. iPhones come with an option to expand the password field out beyond numbers to full words, creating more complex passwords that can't be broken using devices like an IP-BOX.

The IP-BOX also struggles with Apple's 8.1.1 iOS update to its mobile operating system. That update patched a flaw that let devices like IP-BOXs hack into phones. But not every iPhone has been updated, and any iPhone 4 or older can't be updated to that release, leaving it vulnerable.

7:07 AM

iPod Unlimited

Posted by hassoune

When the first iPod was launched, nobody had imagined that it would be such a hit. A brain child of Tony Fadell, it was first conceived to provide a better version of an MP3 player. After being turned down by RealNetworks and Phillips, Fadell found support for his project with Apple. Tony Fadell went to work for Apple as an independent contractor, leading a team of thirty people to develop the new MP3 player.

The result was the launch of iPod in October 2001. With the growing popularity, iPod evolved real fast as a device. In just nine years it has incarnated in more than 30 formats plus special editions and color variations.

A creation which was primarily invented for music, has now become a full fledged device supporting photos, videos, movies, games and calendars. It is no longer just a digital audio player, but an easy to use, portable device in which one can store any digital data file.

Along with the iPod, sites offering music downloads for iPods also emerged and grew. Soon, there were sites offering not just music, but also movies, videos and other downloads. The need for the downloading software obviously shot up and this was another great market to explore. Today, there are a number of sites offering iPod downloads and downloading softwares.

Now the main USP for these sites is speed and convenience without compromising on the quality. It is difficult to find a site which offers all these three plus the software.

iPod Download sites generally have a wide range of music, videos, TV shows and sports events. It works on the P2P technology and thus gives the user a wide range of files to select from. What's more? They also provide the software for downloading it to the iPod as well as burn it into a compact disc. Thus, you get the privilege carrying your favorites wherever you go and watching it anyway you like - on your computer, or your home theatre system, your iPod or burn a CD.

A lot of us prefer to get a first hand experience and not just blindly follow reviews, me being one of them. I suggest you check out a few sites for yourself when it comes to downloading speed and quality. Most sites offer DVD quality downloads which is sharp, clear and complete, the entire process takes just a couple of minutes.

The power of iPod is unlimited. Explore and enjoy it to the fullest.

7:04 AM

Download Legal Free Music For Ipod

Posted by hassoune

Many websites have been popping up that promise you can download legal free music for ipods. But is it true?

Well, I have to tell you that you can find many songs on the web that are free to download. But the downloads from these sites are most certainly illegal and you could find yourself in a lot of hot water if you download them.

I'm sure you've heard of the thousands of lawsuits filed by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) against people who downloaded copyrighted songs or movies to their computer or ipod. These people have been forced to pay thousands of dollars in fines just because they wanted to grab a few songs for free.

You don't want to end up in court over some silly song do you?

Fortunately, there is a way to download legal free music for ipods. Well, almost free.

A paid membership site lets you download as many songs and videos your ipod can hold for just one small fee. That's a lot better than paying 99 cents for every song you want to download from other sites.

Think about it. The typical paid membership site charges around $39 for a lifetime membership which includes unlimited downloads. You could easily find and download 500 of your favorite songs while still only paying $39.

Compare that to other sites that charge per song. Five hundred songs at 99 cents each would cost you $495! Ouch!

It's obvious that a paid membership site is a much better deal.

Plus, they have a massive selection of music in every genre you could name, they offer technical assistance if you have a hard time downloading a song, and you can download free legal music for ipods with a clear conscience and no fear of lawsuits and legal bills.

If you're downloading free ipod downloads, you may be breaking the law and you could face serious fines or even jail time. Is it worth the risk? Instead join a membership site that charges one small fee for all the downloads you can handle.

7:02 AM

Download Dvd To Ipod. How It's done

Posted by hassoune

If you want to avoid the incredibly high download fees that are charged by some websites, it may be a good idea to download your own DVDs to your Ipod. You can, if you want to, carry aroungd your entire DVD collection on your little Ipod, so you can watch it whenever you choose. The tips in this article will help you to do this

Download DVD To Ipod-Step 1-
You should start by getting hold of some software. The software you need is called a ripper, and it will rip the contents of the DVD, and change them into a format compatible with your Ipod. You have a bit of choice here, with programs available by, for example, Imtoo and Xilisoft. Use the search engines to get what you need, and make sure that the software you choose can convert the files into MP4 format, the format of your video Ipod.

Download DVD To Ipod Step 2-
Now that you have got hold of the software, just follow the developer's instructions for ripping the content from your DVD. Save the file to a place on your computer so it is easy for you to find it, and don't forget that the content of the DVD will need to be set up before you do the ripping, so if you need something like subtitles, make sure that is set up first.

Download DVD To Ipod Step 3-
Once you have the ripped content on your computer, you can use the software that you have to change the content to the MP4 format. More often than not content that you rip from DVDs will be in AVI format, which is not compatible with an Ipod, and therefore you need to convert the file.

Download DVD To Ipod Step 4-
Once the content that you have ripped is converted to MP4, you can open Itunes and upload the file. This is a different process for different versions of Itunes, so you might like to update to the latest version of Itunes before you follow the instructions. As soon as Itunes is pointed at the content you want to transfer to your Ipod, you can download it directly to the Ipod as usual, and watch it whenever you want to.

There you have it, simple instructions for downloading from DVD to Ipod in only four easy steps! Hopefully you found this useful, and helpful in transferring your DVD collection to your Ipod. If you want to get some free Ipod downloads, you can check the link at the bottom of this article.

7:01 AM

Do You Know The Ipod Clock Radio

Posted by hassoune

There is little doubt that the iPod clock radio is one of the many features that has propelled the Apple MP3 player line to the amazing success it has had. It seems that Apple has thought of almost any accessory or add-on that the consumer could want, and all of them offer the typical high quality sound equipment that Apple iPod lovers have come to expect. The iPod clock radio is no exception to the rule. With its stylish design and lightweight durability this is a clock radio really worth having.

Selling at right around $100.00 US, the sleek design of the iPod clock radio makes it ideal for any type of home décor. It comes in two colors, white and black, with the front of the system designed for speaker space and an easy to read backlit display that gives the time with a backlight adjustment that can go from very dim to very bright. This is a great function for those that have difficulty sleeping with any type of light in the room, as well as for those that want to be able to clearly see the time at a quick glance.

The iPod clock radio has a dock for the iPod located directly behind the button controls for the AM/FM radio that are on the center top of the radio unit. Since the radio doubles as a docking station, the iPod batteries will be completely charged in the morning, even if you wish to program it to play softly all night. The adjustable sleep and wake up features allow you to choose the volume and length of time that the sleep unit will function before automatically shutting off. There is also a gradual wake feature that allows you to wake up to your favorite tunes. The radio also can serve as the wake up sound, or there is an optional buzzer or alarm that can be used as well. The volumes, when using the wake or sleep function, will gradually increase or decrease, allowing for a very natural wake up or sleep option.

In addition the iPod clock radio has a remote control that allows you to adjust the volume or any other features on the clock simply and without having to move. As with any other iPod accessory there are high quality stereo speakers built into the radio to give the same clear, high quality sound you would get if you were listening directly to your iPod. The iPod clock radio is one of the most popular of the larger iPod accessories and makes a great gift for yourself or your favorite music lover.