New feature list:
- Restore from any 5.x iOS to any other (up, down or the same) 5.x iOS on all devices as long as you have the correct blobs (see more below)
- Cydia now included in the tethered 6.0 jailbreak on A4 devices
- Automatically “Just Boot” tethered when qualifying A4 device connects in DFU mode
- Untethered 6.0 jailbreak on old-bootrom 3GS
- Untethered 6.0 hactivation on any 3GS or iPhone4
- Directly restore pre-A5 devices to earlier firmware — no more complicated 15-step how-to’s with stitching, iTunes errors, and “hosts file” concerns
- Fetch new signed blobs for any IPSW (present or future — no redsn0w update required) using Extras->SHSH Blobs->New
- Block the BB update for any 3GS or iPhone4 restore (past, present, or future — no redsn0w update required) using Extras->Even More->Restore
- Deactivate any iPhone, useful for testing your “official” unlock status through iTunes. (Please only deactivate your own iPhone!)
- Activation status shown on “Even more” page
- Significantly more (very nerdy) info returned by “Identify” button when device is in Normal mode
- Tethered jailbreak of ATV2 supported (but the only thing available for it is the SSH2 custom bundle available here — no Cydia yet. Must use “Select IPSW” for tethered boot of ATV2 for now).
- Auto-exit WTF mode for older devices with broken buttons
any time a set of blobs is fetched remotely (from Apple or Cydia), redsn0w also saves them locally (and will check there first if you click “Local”)
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